Music Video "The Passive Audience" on Free The Work
Quoting from Free The Work, a platform dedicated to female/minority filmmakers in Los Angeles,
"Some experiences and feelings are universal. They can transcend barriers and time to connect us. This week’s New Visions honoree, FTW creator Shih Ting Hung’s music video for Penny Tai illustrates this journey with sincerity."
View the article here
洪詩婷 音樂錄影帶《被動的觀眾》登上洛杉磯女性電影人平台Free The Work
華語樂壇唱作人戴佩妮(Penny)睽違6年將推出個人全新專輯《被動的觀眾》於2022年發行,由國際導演洪詩婷執導的「被動的觀眾」mv ,登上洛杉磯支持女導演的平台#FreeTheWork,成為“New Visions"單元的主題介紹。
Shih-Ting Hung X Penny Tsai
Music Video released June 2022
We are in a time where positive energy is much needed. New music video "Thanks To You", a collaboration between the 25th Gloden Melody winner Penny Tsai and Shih, a light-hearted comedy is thus sparked.
洪詩婷 x 戴佩妮
華語樂壇唱作人戴佩妮(Penny)睽違6年將推出個人全新專輯《被動的觀眾》,今(23日)首波主打《多虧你啊》音樂錄影帶上線,戴佩妮在MV中扮演有愛的「發光體」,熱情、主動將「帶電」的能量,透過身上的「插頭」無私分享給身邊需要一些正能量的人!《多虧你啊》MV請到國際名導洪詩婷執導、Penny可說是和洪導一拍即合,不僅導演本身就是Penny的歌迷,佩妮也相當欣賞導演的拍攝視角、手法與調性,兩位才女可說是惺惺相惜!特別值得一提的是,《多虧你啊》MV中部分群眾演員,是Penny私下的夥伴和好友,他們居然準備了她最怕的食物「筍乾」惡整她,讓她整個嚇飛了膽,還差點把午餐全吐出來,堪比終極恐怖箱,極害怕筍乾的Penny差點被熏到厥了過去,只能恨得牙癢癢得對好友們說:「真是…多虧你了啊…」戴佩妮《多虧你啊》單曲將於24日零時盛大上線,MV 亦於06/24早上10點在戴佩妮YouTube官方頻道首播!
Love During the Pandemic
Shih shoots PSA video for Foreigners in Taiwan
Battling COVID-19 In Taiwan Using The Arts, Director Shih Ting Hung is invited by Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association, to participate in a PSA video for Taiwan's eMask 3.0, an online system generated by Audrey Tang, the Digital Minister of Taiwan . See Press info here at the Taiwan Times.
Shih Shoots for Tokyo Olympics Theme Song “Paprika" in Greece
Shih is honored to receive an invitation from Tokyo to shoot for Kenshi Yonezu's popular music video "Paprika", a theme song for the upcoming Tokyo Olympic 2020.
More info coming up.
Shih は2020東京オリンピックのテーマソング撮影を担当します
Shih-Ting Hung は東京オリンピックを応援するテーマソングの撮影を担当します。東京から依頼され、米津玄師のプロデュースした人気作「パプリカ」、2020オリンピック応援ソングのミュージックビデオ映像の制作を担当させていただき、とても光栄だと思います。
Shih invited to speak Diversity at Berlin Commercial Festival
Shih is invited as a guest speaker at the diversity panel to share her professional experiences with European commercial agencies and executive producers from global production companies. Berlin Commercial Festival, Aug, 29-30, 2019.
See Instagram here for updates.
Music video "Space" in Cuba with Singer Wu Qing Feng hits 1.4 million Viewing within Three Days
Marked as one of her " sweetest artistic collaboration," Shih challenges shooting for two weeks in Cuba, putting a melting ice sculpture in the middle of the Havana street, for Wu Qing Feng's first album after the well known "Sodagreen" era - his most personal track of 16 years - "Space."
See the lovely music video here.
Music video Alligator in Iceland with Icelandic band
"Of Monsters and Men"
Shih shoots with Icelandic band "Of Monsters and Men" for the 1st single
"Alligator" in 2019 new album " Fever Dream," The story sets in in the beautiful Reykjavik, where a strange girl transforms back into her unique albino alligator self. Shih works with costume designer Colleen Atwood, and Legacy Studio for this project to design the transformation between lead singer Nanna and the albino Alligator.
導演洪詩婷從小就喜愛著柯琳的服裝設計,從《剪刀手愛德華》,《沉默的羔羊》,《費城》到《怪獸與它們的產地》,細膩地反映著對角色的尊重。這回與冰島天團Of Monsters & Men合作,詩婷提到與柯琳的角色對話:「這隻MV是個關於ㄧ個女孩變回白鱷魚的故事,有濃厚的女性自我解放味。我們深入角色,以軟性鱷魚+蛇皮思考。柯琳最後設計了件柔美類似白紗的服裝,代表社會對女性的極致要求。我們更進ㄧ步與鋼鐵人的特效公司合作,一起設計這隻白鱷魚。與這樣的劇組組合,讓我看到最高等的電影工作者如何思考執行工作,他們的專業與熱情,讓我燃燒!這只冰島的片,拍得很辛苦很辛苦,但卻是我們人生中印象最深刻的片之一,Legacy Studio 的 Shane Mahan,是業界我非常尊敬的SFX特效前輩,有他們在,是ㄧ個導演最幸福的事。」
Hung invited by AMPAS to speak with this years SAA nominees 2018
Shih-Ting is honored to be invited by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on 10/10/2018 to speak with this year's Student Academy Award nominees to share her experience as a director in the industry after winning her Student Academy Award.
Hung invited as the panelist for Breaking the Glass Frame, Animation Symposium on Oct.7th
Breaking the Glass Frame: Women and Animation, Past, Present, Future is a Hollywood symposium that brings together experts to celebrate women filmmakers‘
contributions to animation and cinema, as well as to discuss the "how to" while facing prejudice within the industry.
Event takes place in LA on Oct.7th, Register/ticketing here at :
洪詩婷將受邀出席洛杉磯動畫屆學術演講,主辦單位為南加大動畫學院(USC),加州藝術學院(CalArts),GKIDS, Wia (Women in Animation) 與UCLA主辦的「女性動畫電影論壇」,於10/07與嘉賓Brenda Chapman等人於南加大演講,ㄧ齊討論女性電影工作者在電影產業的各種可能。
想閱讀更多詳情,請點擊Variety雜誌報導, 以及 Hollywood Reporter 報導。
Hung exhibiting video installation at Taipei Art District Festival 2018
Hung invited as one of the video artists exhibiting her video installation this year at Taipei District Art Festival 2018,
The exhibition starts from Oct, 6th until Nov. 4th.
Taipei, No. 366, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu, Taiwan
洪詩婷將於大內藝術節展出她的作品維奧拉,此短片獲得學生奧斯卡金獎,為奧斯卡主辦單位Academy Archive儲存為永久收藏。
尊彩藝術中心 (台北內湖區瑞光路366號)
Hung shoots for Cadillac 2018
Hung collaborates with Cadillac the first time for Cadillac CT6 Campaign. Production of this 30-second spot kickstarts in August Shanghai.
Guest Panel Speaker at Shanghai Film Festival 2018
Shih-Ting Hung will appear as the guest speaker in The New Filmmaker Panel in Shanghai Film Festival on June,17, 2018, with fellow panel guests from The Academy (AMPAS), Hollywood Foreign Press, New Filmmakers Los Angeles, and Stage13 from Warner Bros. Studio, with the intro from Chinese Director Jia Zhangke. Related article from Golden Globes here.
2018年6月17日,洪詩婷將出席上海電影節新銳電影人論壇嘉賓。演講者名單包括 Larry Laboe & Margaret Wu (New Filmmakers Los Angeles),Bettina Fisher (奧斯卡主辦單位總監),Shih-Ting Hung (學生奧斯卡金獎得主及導演),Ana Maria Bahiana (好萊塢海外記者協會),以及Christine Davila (華納兄弟公司Stage13總監)。論壇主持人為上海溫哥華電影學院常務副院長劉海波,由電影導演賈樟柯開場致詞。金球獎相關報導於此連結。
Sci-fi spot for JD Summer 2017
China's Amazon, JD, aims to release the most sci-fi looking spot this year in hats-off to sci-fi classics. JD has invited Hung to lead 200 Beijing film crew to achieve such mission.
洪與京東第二回合作科幻風格的新片JD 3C,向經典科幻片致敬。洪藉由此次機會探討人類進化與科技之間的微妙關係,帶領著兩百位北京劇組,於三週完成此項任務。
Hung shooting with Liu Tao in Beijing May 2017
An "Alice In Wonderland" collaboration between the most celebrated Chinese movie star Liu Tao and Shih-Ting Hung, incorporating Wu Xing, the ancient Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) into its production design, combining Chinese history with a Western fairy tale.
洪詩婷與中國知名電影演員劉濤首次合作,於北京拍攝,以西方的愛麗絲夢遊仙境的故事為基礎,將東方「五行」概念 (金木水火土) 融入故事與美術設計中。
"Walk Through Walls," Directed by Shih-Ting Hung, Premieres on
Time Mazagine
Grammy singer Katie Herzig collaborates with music video director Shih-Ting Hung the third time, shooting in remote surreal garden north of Mexico City, premieres on Time Magazine. Herzig talks about the spiritual joruney into this hidden garden inside of little town Las Pozas, and how Hung wrote the whole treatment around this location.
美國時代雜誌首映 詩婷與葛萊美歌手
墨西哥秘密小鎮開拍的音樂錄影帶 「Walk Through Walls」,由導演洪詩婷與葛萊美提名歌手凯蒂·赫奇格第三度合作。時代雜誌專訪了凱蒂,暢談導演決定遠赴拍攝超寫實花園的創作動機與整體拍攝過程。
Hung Shoots in Beijing China for Soulful Sci-Fi Spot Set in 2020
Shih-Ting Hung shoots new and yet biggest branding concept for Baidu, China's major search engine, illustrating a human emotional driven sci-fi spot on how technolgy could make global education, medical system, and lifestyle better.
The spot is released in Sep 2015 and featured on Ad Age.
Katie Herzig' Releases Trippy Music Video "Waking Sleep"
After Grammy nominee Katie Herzig released her first video "Free My Mind," quoting from MTV, a " cute, cheeky video set to an indie-pop song featuring fun time-lapse of a totally wild, possibly Lady Gaga-esque gown being custom-made for Katie. " Director Shih-Ting Hung teams up with Katie again for her most important track of the album : "Waking Sleep." In this video Katie dives into a trippy dream searching for light for hope. Hung cleaverly transforms Katie's heavily metaphored political view into a beautiful but yet dark journey.
See the video here.
Shih-Ting Hung 2015 Solo Exhibition " Portrait of Brains " At Taipei Digital Art Center
2015 Hung has first solo exhibition "Portrait of Brains, " invited by Taipei Digital Art Center, the curator of Taipei Digital Art Award. Hung was nominated and exhibited in Taipei MOCA in 2009 and had previously showed her work at New York Guggenheim Museum.
Digital A洪詩婷在2015年於台北數位藝術中心展出第一次個展「腦的肖像」,其中將包含學生奧斯卡作品「維奧拉」及相關裝置,葛萊美提名歌手 Katie Herzig 的音樂錄影帶「Free My Mind」,以及新裝置作品,
The "Mise-en-Scène" of Shih-Ting Hung's Solo Exhibition,
" Portrait of Brains "
Hung's solo exhibition is a dramatic combination of cinema, theater, animation, and music. This dark, subconsciousness driven, emotional, and yet "Ludovico Einaudi" atmosphere is heavily charged in the foggy exhibition space. Hung has demonstrated how films and music videos take place in modern museum by submerging the environment with fog, water, staging grass and classroom chairs. The wood flour smell, the moisture of blurry air makes it an exceptional experience that is hard to get in movie theaters.
洪詩婷 「腦的肖像」個展以劇場裝置視覺化淺意識
洪詩婷此次個展可謂是個電影、動畫、新媒體、音樂與裝置的跨領域展覽。身為電影導演,三件作品的展覽形式都充滿了電影感;而電影的創作對於「場面調度」(Mise-en-scene)的重要性也充分展現在展場空間的裝置性上。場面調度在法文裏的意義是「排成場景」(Made Into a Scene)或「放在位置上」(Put in Place)。簡言之,即是對舞台上/景框中視覺元素的安排。
- 台新銀行文化藝術基金會
Chevy Spot Hung shoots Across Indonesia Wins Top10 Ads of 2014
Hung teams up with McCann Thailand for its most important annual spot for Chevy, a story of a man takes his whole family driving across the country to find his long lost father. The six day shoot includes locations in Jakarta, active volcano Bromo, and beautiful aboriginal village Lombok. This 4 episodes of series wins Top10 Most Popular Ads of the year domestically by Google.
Chris Lee's New Music Video "Dance to The Music " Hits 2,270K Viewing
in China
Time Magazine Asia cover story and Top 25 Asia's most powerful figures, Chinese pop singer Chris Lee ( known as 李宇春 ) releases her 6th album "1987" produced by Zhang Yadong (張亞東). First music video "Dance to the Music," directed by Shih-Ting Hung (洪詩婷), Lee dresses up in her Jean -Pierre Gaultier style mixed with playful twists for her androgynic doggelganger.
The video dominates 2,270,000 viewings domestically in China.
The Mill Interviews Shih-Ting Hung for Leukemia Charity Film
with team FireFlies
RSA Asia Director Shih-Ting Hung documented FireFlies West, a charity road bike cycling group, 542 miles trek down from San Francisco to Los Angeles raising scientific and medical research fund for City Of Hope. An enjoyable storytelling ride.
This short documentary also marks a memorial hats-off for RSA's iconic director Tony Scott.
Read the full fun conversation between Hung and The Mill here.
Legendary Singer Teresa Teng Exhibition Tours Around Asia
" Asia's Audrey Hepburn", legendary singer Teresa Teng's (鄧麗君) Memorial Exhibition kick starts its tour from Taipei to Beijing, and six major cities in Asia.
Teresa Teng Foundation invites Taiwanese born film director Shih-Ting Hung (洪詩婷) to conduct three brand new music videos for Teng's famous songs using unseen archive footage throughout Teng's life. The production team spends three months researching historical materials and recovering footage/news coverage from 60s-90s, recreating the videos for a modern and yet classic flavor. Los Angeles based VFX company Digital Domain later takes on the mission of turning Teresa Teng into a hologram in its global concerts.
Teng's music is often played by recent major pop stars such as Jay Chou (周杰倫). Faye Wong (王菲) makes a complete album with Teng's songs dedicated to her.
Shih-Ting Hung's " Viola " For Guggenheim Museum New York
YouTube Play, a Biennial of Creative Video has been announced! Selected from more than 23,000 submissions from 91 countries, the 125 shortlisted videos can now be seen on the YouTube Play channel.
In the last two decades, there has been a paradigm shift in visual culture. The moving image has been fully absorbed into critical contemporary-art practices, and now we are witnessing the power of the Internet to catalyze and disseminate new forms of digital media, including online video. With video now available for anyone to produce and watch, almost anytime and anywhere—be it on cell phones, digital cameras, computers, or tablets—it has become the medium of choice for many aspiring artists. YouTube Play recognized the current effect of new technologies on creativity by showcasing exceptional talent working in the ever-expanding realm of digital media.
"Free My Mind " and Lady Gaga by MTV
"Free My Mind" with Grammy nominee Katie Herzig, quoting from MTV, is a "cute, cheeky clip set to an indie-pop song that speaks of well, freeing one's mind. The completely adorable video features a fun time-lapse of a totally wild, possibly Lady Gaga-esque gown being custom-made for Katie. "
Hung's First commercial teamed up with TBWA UK and Los Angele's EA, Warner Bros. Studios for making miss J.K. Rowling's fantasy story Harry Potter into games and commercials.
Motionographer has also featured PlayStation's Color series. Read the interview here.
Shih-Ting Hung Takes Gold For 35th Student Academy Awards
The 35th Student Academy Awards ceremony, held on June 7 at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, featured as presenters Oscar-nominated writer-director Jason Reitman, Oscar-nominated cinematographer Caleb Deschanel, former Student Academy Award winner and Emmy-winning director Todd Holland, and Academy President
Sid Ganis.
The Academy established the Student Academy Awards in 1972 to support and encourage excellence in filmmaking at the collegiate level. Past Student Academy Award winners have gone on to receive 46 Oscar nominations and have won or shared eight awards. They include John Lasseter, Pete Docter, Robert Zemeckis, Trey Parker and Spike Lee. - Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.